Precise attendance and time tracking

Save money with our timekeeping solutions. Pay your employees for time actually worked.
14 day free trial. No credit card required.

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Tools designed to reduce your work time
A smart punch directly linked to the schedule and timesheets to automate the tracking of your employees' attendance.
Survey tool
Retention and satisfaction of your staff as a priority
Emprez has partnered with Cible Recherche Inc. to offer employee satisfaction surveys and obtain trends in your business.

Communication tool
Your messages will be unmistakable
Want to send a message to your employee(s)? Create private or public messages that the employee will view when punching in.

GPS position
Control a remote pointing with GPS points
If you allow the use of a phone to punch, you will have the GPS coordinates of the location where the punching was done! (Can be deactivated)

Picture of your employee
Avoid having one employee punch for another
When the employee punches, the punch takes a picture and makes it available to the manager who will control the time sheets. (Can be deactivated)

Estimate your savings with Emprez
Think of Emprez as an investment rather than an expense because it will save your team many hours of work. Make your estimate !